Crispin the Dull lives in Sherwood Forest as part of Robin Hood’s band of Merry Men.
Things haven't been very “merry” in the forest, since Prince John’s guards have set themselves up as outlaws in Sherwood and taken Crispin’s rubber ducky.
At a big meeting at the castle to try and resolve the problems, Maid Marion offers a suggestion to rename the outlaw band “Robin And Marion’s Band Of Ordinary Persons” as a way of increasing outlaw morale since many members of the band are not actually “men”.
Crispin thinks about this and decides he likes the idea, and suddenly he runs off.
When Crispin returns he shows off the RAMBOOP banner he has made.
A tournament is held as a way to resolve the differences. Crispin's outlaw friend fights one of the Prince’s Guards. When he is defeated Crispin tries to revive his friend by flicking water on him.
This isn't working, so naturally Crispin picks up the bucket...
...and revives his friend.
Crispin's friend doesn't seem to be too happy about this.
Run away!
Luckily Crispin’s friend he doesn't stay angry, so Crispin is free to continue as the RAMBOOP cheerleader.
Crispin decides to run around the tournament ring carrying the RAMBOOP banner. Harold the herald is not too pleased by this.
It will be a while before I have time to add 2010 Robin In The Hood Content.
In the interim, you might like to read the KW Record story on the Festival.
In the interview, Neil Murray, the actor who plays Robin Hood tells this anecdote about young Crispin:
“One little boy would come every year dressed as Robin Hood and follow me around,” said Murray. “We called him ‘mini me!’ Now he′s in high school and plays one of the outlaws.”---